uReach Privacy Policies
Here’s our privacy policy in short: We don’t track you, we don’t share your info with anyone else, and the only cookies we make are chocolate chip.
- Who we are: uReach – A California-based 501 (c)(3) (AKA: The Reach Group)
- Our website address is: https://www.reachbaja.com/
- Contact forms: When you send us your contact info, we save that. We NEVER share it with anyone.
- Analytics: We use google analytics to keep track of trends and to see who is responding to our ads. It is required by google.
- How long we retain your data: We keep your contact info to reach out to you. The end.
- What rights you have over your data: You can also request that we erase any personal data we hold about you. This does not include any data we are obliged to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.
- Where we send your data: We send registration data to trip leaders for safety purposes only. This is only sent from our secure trip registration page, not a page on this site.
- How we protect your data: Our CRM software is encrypted and never shared.